Website Overview
Mysite Rank : #6490

(desktop computer, laptop/notebook, tablet and mobile phone).
Traffic Metrics
How many visits does have ?
How does it compare against other websites in the world ?
How many pages are viewed daily ?
Mysite Rank
is ranked #6490 in the world
Unique Visitors
- 92.84 thousands unique visits per day.
- 2.79 millions monthly unique visitors.
- -8.23% change over the 3 past months.
Page Views
- 590.44 thousands daily page views.
- 17.71 millions monthly page views.
- -8.23% change over the 3 past months.
Traffic By Visitors Country
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Hosting Locations
Where is this website located ?
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Which country does it belong to ?
- 19 web hosting services in United States (US) :
- Philadelphia : 1 server provided by Cloudflare, Inc.
Check the IP address details on the map (1 IP) - New York City : 1 server provided by Cloudflare, Inc.
Check the IP address details on the map (1 IP)
- Philadelphia : 1 server provided by Cloudflare, Inc.
Metas Tags
What is the title of this website homepage ?
Does use meta tags ?
Title tag
加国无忧 - 加拿大华人网上家园Metas tags
加国无忧 51.CA - 是一家面向加拿大华人的生活信息网站,旨在为新老移民、留学生提供一个自由交流的平台。全站突出了互动、实用和免费的特性,设有新闻、资讯、博客、微博、论坛、公社、房屋、商城、工作、黄页等多个频道,站点的内容和服务涵盖旅加华人在加生活的各个方面,旨在帮助新移民、留学生早日适应新的环境,开始美好的新生活。Meta-keywords
- canada
- immigration
- news
- chinese
- forum
- bbs
- service
- canadian
- toronto
- abroad
- 加拿大
- 多伦多
- 移民
- 海外华人
- 加拿大留学
- 加拿大移民
- 多伦多移民
- 多伦多新闻
- 多伦多中文新闻
- 加拿大中文新闻
Website Age Estimation
When was domain first registered ?
How old is this website ?
Domain WHOIS lookup
Internet Archive History
Search Engine Metrics
Is visible on search engines results pages (SERP) ?
How many pages are displayed from this website ?
How many sites link back to it ?
What is this domain authority ?
Search engines results pages (SERP)
Maximum result count is of 931K on one of the main SERP.
This website has a strong presence on major search websites.
Total backlinks
from all websites and all pages
linking into
This website has 10.6 millions backlinks.
Unique domains backlinks
linking in.
This website has 991 unique domains backlinks.
Domain Authority
with a mark of 47 out of 100.
Page Authority
with a mark of 48 out of 100
Income and Valuation Estimates
What is this site worth ?
How much does this site earn with advertising ?
Estimated revenue from ads
* Estimated figures based upon a theoretical revenue from ads.
Estimated website valuation
* Estimated figures based upon a theoretical revenue from ads.
Frequently Asked Questions
In the below section you will find all the most popular questions about this website.
What is ? is the worldwide known website or portal of 51
How old is site ?
The domain name 51.CA was registered 23 years, 6 months, 15 days ago (2001-07-23).
We have found live activity from the website dated 23 years, 6 months, 5 days ago (2001-08-02).
Where are visitors from ?
Visitors are known to be mainly located in : Canada, United States, India, China, Hong Kong SAR China, Taiwan.
Is a high-traffic site ?
Yes! is one of the strongest website in the world. We have computed a Mysite Rank of #6490. It receives every day nearly 92.84 thousands unique visitors from all around the world.
Is trustworthy ?
Yes. This website has not been reported as scam or malicious.
Who visits this site ?
Our traffic statistics on show that the major percentage of visitors is from Canada.
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