Website Overview

Mysite Rank : #156385

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Traffic Metrics

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Mysite Rank

is ranked #156385 in the world

Unique Visitors

  • 3.21 thousands unique visits per day.
  • 96.21 thousands monthly unique visitors.
  • -3.00% change over the 3 past months.

Page Views

  • 5.48 thousands daily page views.
  • 164.51 thousands monthly page views.
  • -3.00% change over the 3 past months.

Traffic By Visitors Country

Total of Monthly Visits
% of Website Traffic






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Hosting Locations

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Metas Tags

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Title tag

Planeta de Libros

Metas tags


Encuentra tu próximo libro para leer. Recomendaciones, reseñas, bestsellers, eBooks, opiniones de lectores, concursos. Si te gustan los libros, esta es tu web.


  • zenith
  • comprar libros
  • libros
  • ebook
  • libro
  • novela
  • minotauro
  • PlanetadeLibros
  • Planeta de Libros
  • audiolibros
  • editorial planeta
  • booket
  • novelas romanticas
  • editorial paidos
  • cuentos de buenas noches para niñas rebeldes
  • libros infantiles
  • libros de autoayuda
  • novelas de ciencia ficcion
  • grupo planeta
  • planeta comic
  • literatura contemporanea
  • literatura clasica
  • literatura juvenil
  • seix barral
  • libros para niños
  • libros walter riso
  • novelas de terror
  • libros de empresas
  • libros de ciencia
  • literatura LGTTB
  • grupo planeta méxico
  • donde comprar libros
  • editorial diana
  • editorial destino
  • editorial austral
  • austral intrépida
  • editorial Ariel
  • Booket Paidós
  • editorial Crítica
  • Destino infantil
  • Destino juvenil
  • editorial Emecé
  • Joaquín Mortiz
  • Martinez Roca
  • Oniro
  • Timunmas
  • Tusquets
  • Temas de hoy
  • libros Carlos Ruiz Zafón
  • libros Octavio Paz
  • libros Dan Brown
  • libros Ángeles Mastretta
  • libros Los Compas
  • Libros Disney
  • Libros Nickelodeon
  • libros Gravity falls
  • libros Wigetta
  • libros Starwars
  • libros Amalia Andrade
  • libros Keri Smith
  • libros Jorge Ibarguengoitia
  • libros Gaby Perez Islas
  • Libros Gabriel García Marquez
  • Libros Odin Dupeiron
  • Libros Alberto Villareal
  • Libros Haruki Murakami
  • Libros Leonardo Padura
  • Libros Gonzalo Celorio
  • Libros Banana Yoshimoto
  • Libros Luis Sepulveda
  • Libros Monica Lavin
  • Libros Rubem Fonseca
  • Libros Liliana Blum
  • Libros Almudena Grandes
  • Libros John Conolly
  • Libros Henning Mankell
  • Libros Fernando Aramburu
  • Libros Gioconda Belli
  • Libros Antonio Ortuño
  • Libros Siri Hustvedt
  • Libros Salman Rushdie
  • Libros Megan Maxwell
  • Libros Andrés Manual López Obrador
  • Libros Blue Jeans
  • Libros Federico Moccia
  • Libros Paula Hawkins
  • Libros Jaime Sabines
  • Libros Elena Poniatowska
  • Libros Elena Garro
  • Libros El Rubius
  • Libros Juan José Arreola
  • Libros Ray Bradbury
  • Libros Philip Dick
  • Libros Jurgen Klaric
  • Libros Jeff Bezos
  • Libros Dot Hutchison
  • Libros Cassandra CLare
  • Libros Benito Taibo
  • Libros Paco Ignacio Taibo II
  • Libros Daniel Krauze
  • Libros Fernando Savater
  • Libros Erich Fromm
  • Libros Viktor Frankl
  • Libros Stephen Covey
  • Libros Carl Rogers
  • Libros Elizabeth Lukas
  • Libros Santiago Posteguillo
  • Libros Javier Moro
  • Libros JJ Benitez
  • Libros Paul Auster
  • Libros Alejandro Rosas
  • Libros Julio Patan
  • Libros Perez Gay
  • Libros Elvira Sastre

    Website Age Estimation

    When was domain first registered ?
    How old is this website ?

    Domain WHOIS lookup

    • Domain First Registration: Unknown
    • Domain Age: Unknown

    Internet Archive History

    • First snapshots : November 20, 2014
    • Estimated age : 9 years, 10 months, 1 days

    Search Engine Metrics

    Is visible on search engines results pages (SERP) ?
    How many pages are displayed from this website ?
    How many sites link back to it ?
    What is this domain authority ?

    Search engines results pages (SERP)

    56.2K Min 118.1K Avg Max 180K
    As of now, has 118.1K results in the Search Engines Results Pages.
    Maximum result count is of 180K on one of the main SERP.
    This website has a strong presence on major search websites.

    Total backlinks


    This number shows the total number of backlinks
    from all websites and all pages
    linking into
    This website has 13.5 thousands backlinks.

    Unique domains backlinks


    This figure sums up the total number of distinct domains
    linking in.
    This website has 79 unique domains backlinks.

    Domain Authority

    52 / 100 is established as a high domain and website authority,
    with a mark of 52 out of 100.

    Page Authority

    36 / 100

    The Home page (or index url) has a strong domain authority,
    with a mark of 36 out of 100

    Income and Valuation Estimates

    What is this site worth ?
    How much does this site earn with advertising ?

    Estimated revenue from ads

  • 8 US dollars per day from advertising.
  • 249 USD earned monthly from advertising.
  • -12.94% change over the 3 past months.
    * Estimated figures based upon a theoretical revenue from ads.
  • Estimated website valuation

  • This site is estimated at 4.48 thousands US dollars, based upon its current estimated advertising cashflows
  • -12.94% change over the 3 past months.
    * Estimated figures based upon a theoretical revenue from ads.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    In the below section you will find all the most popular questions about this website.

    What is ? is the worldwide known website or portal of PLANETADELIBROS

    How old is site ?
    We have found live activity from the website dated 9 years, 10 months, 1 days ago (2014-11-20).

    Where are visitors from ?
    Visitors are known to be mainly located in : Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Spain.

    Is a high-traffic site ?
    Yes! is one of the strongest website in the world. We have computed a Mysite Rank of #156385. It receives every day nearly 3.21 thousands unique visitors from all around the world.

    Is trustworthy ?
    Yes. This website has not been reported as scam or malicious.

    Who visits this site ?
    Our traffic statistics on show that the major percentage of visitors is from Mexico.

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