Website Overview
Mysite Rank : #111362

(desktop computer, laptop/notebook, tablet and mobile phone).
Traffic Metrics
How many visits does have ?
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How many pages are viewed daily ?
Mysite Rank
is ranked #111362 in the world
Unique Visitors
- 2.06 thousands unique visits per day.
- 61.76 thousands monthly unique visitors.
- -52.10% change over the 3 past months.
Page Views
- 13.23 thousands daily page views.
- 396.78 thousands monthly page views.
- -52.10% change over the 3 past months.
Traffic By Visitors Country
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Hosting Locations
Where is this website located ?
What is the ip address of ?
Which country does it belong to ?
- 4 web hosting service in Turkey (TR) :
- Istanbul : 1 server provided by CIZGI TELEKOMUNIKASYON ANONIM SIRKETI
Check the IP address details on the map (1 IP)
- Istanbul : 1 server provided by CIZGI TELEKOMUNIKASYON ANONIM SIRKETI
Metas Tags
What is the title of this website homepage ?
Does use meta tags ?
Title tag
Ana Sayfa - Spor İstanbulMetas tags
No data is available for this meta !Meta-keywords
Website Age Estimation
When was domain first registered ?
How old is this website ?
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Internet Archive History
Search Engine Metrics
Is visible on search engines results pages (SERP) ?
How many pages are displayed from this website ?
How many sites link back to it ?
What is this domain authority ?
Search engines results pages (SERP)
Maximum result count is of 18.1K on one of the main SERP.
This website has a strong presence on major search websites.
Total backlinks
from all websites and all pages
linking into
This website has 6 thousands backlinks.
Unique domains backlinks
linking in.
This website has 102 unique domains backlinks.
Domain Authority
with a mark of 32 out of 100.
Page Authority
with a mark of 32 out of 100
Income and Valuation Estimates
What is this site worth ?
How much does this site earn with advertising ?
Estimated revenue from ads
* Estimated figures based upon a theoretical revenue from ads.
Estimated website valuation
* Estimated figures based upon a theoretical revenue from ads.
Frequently Asked Questions
In the below section you will find all the most popular questions about this website.
What is ? is the worldwide known website or portal of SPOR
How old is site ?
The domain name SPOR.ISTANBUL was registered 9 years, 1 months, 14 days ago (2016-01-26).
We have found live activity from the website dated 8 years, 11 months, 14 days ago (2016-03-26).
Where are visitors from ?
Visitors are known to be mainly located in : Turkey, Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Russia, France.
Is a high-traffic site ?
Yes! is one of the strongest website in the world. We have computed a Mysite Rank of #111362. It receives every day nearly 2.06 thousands unique visitors from all around the world.
Is trustworthy ?
Yes. This website has not been reported as scam or malicious.
Who visits this site ?
Our traffic statistics on show that the major percentage of visitors is from Turkey.
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