Check your website speed !

The website speed is the time taken by your website to fully load its containing elements like images, visual graphics, or any information. Fast loading websites can get a higher ranking in SERPs and can attract more users. If there is any delay in loading your site, users will surely click back and will move to another website..

Checking the speed of your website helps you to improve it. It will also help you to improve the overall SEO of your site. There are different tools available in the market that can be used to check the website speed.  

In this article, we have focused on website speed and the best tools to check the website speed. So, keep scrolling to catch more. 

Why is the website speed important ?

SEO of your website and SERP results of Google are connected with each other. These two factors mainly depend upon how much time your website takes to be fully loaded. Today the user’s expectations are increasing gradually and their patience is decreasing exponentially. If your website speed is slow, it will be pushed down in the SERP results. And your website can’t make a place in the top ranking with poor loading time. 

Best speed check and testing tools online


This tool helps you verify your websites’ uptime, performance, and interactions with visitors in no time so you can improve the overall user experience on your site. It is a leading website monitor service for free website speed testing. You can also check the total speed test requests, size of the page, and the loading time of a page.

Pingdom is one of the most popular website speed measuring tool due to its simple and easy user interface. This free-to-use tool also helps you in improving the bounce rate on your website by examining the visitor’s behavior. 


Google Analytics Site Speed

Google Analytics is another tool for speed test that enables you to keep an eye on the performance of your website. This tool analyzes the following 3 main factors on your site to get you the results. 

  • Load time of a random click, user interaction, or any event. 
  • Time taken by the browser to parse a document.
  • The total loading time of a page for reviewing page views. 

This tool provides you with the overview report of your website so you can have a complete analysis of its performance. You can check the performance in a specific country or region and know more about your audience.

To access the Google Analytics Site Speed reports, you need to select a view on your website property, then select the Behaviour Menu on the left sidebar, then click on Site Speed.

Visit Google Analytics

Google Page Speed Insights

This is another checking tool provided by Google to measure the speed test of any website. It is usable on mobile or desktop services. In terms of measurement, it helps you know the website speed by giving them 0-100 points.

If your website has secured 85 marks on Google Page speed insights, it will be considered one of the best-performing sites. This tool also helps you focus on some important points to improve the website’s performance.

Visit Google Page Speed Insights

WebPage Test

It is another free website speed testing tool with the latest tools, advanced data setup, and easy to use interface. This speed test tool is available across multiple browsers and devices.

It also enables you to check the website speed from multiple locations 24/7. It generates the speed test reports and offers better tips and tricks to improve the page speed.

Visit WebPageTest


This is free to use tool that helps you work on the targeted audience across the globe. The user-friendly interface makes it simple to use the platform to check your website speed. It provides the website page size, load time, total requests record for page load. You also get recommendations for improving the page loading time.

Visit Uptrends


It is the most usable speed test tool to check the health of your website. You can use this tool to get a comprehensive look at a web page and work on improving it for visitors. It offers useful tests across multiple browsers and devices. 

GTMetrix is also free to use tool that generates the result of website tests in the form of waterfall charts. It automatically saves the record of the last 20 test reports. 

Visit GTmetrix


It is one of the most reliable platforms to identify website issues. It monitors the availability of APIs and website from multiple locations and devices across the world. It is an affordable website speed testing tool that offers you 3 plans. 

You can check over 20 performance tests. The main tests are page sizes, core web vitals, request the waterfall, page speed and loading time, the number of total load requests, time to the first byte, and the headers of HTTP. 

Visit Sematext


DareBoost provides the paid in-depth website performance facility from multiple locations and devices. There are various checks, tips, practices, and recommendations for users. It also offers you the performance report at the last.

Visit Dareboost

Site 24×7

This is free to use platform for checking your site speed that also includes some premium plans for exclusive features and more speed tests. You can have a look at the performance of your network, server, and website in no time.  

This website speed testing tool also allows you to monitor your application along with user feedback. It is available on all major platforms including FreeBSD, Windows, OS X, and Linux. 

Visit 24×7


Internet is just like a highway where the traffic increases and decreases. Monitoring on a regular basis the speed of your site will help you to improve it and make your visitors and customers happy.

So which assessment tool should you choose ? If you start your website speed audit and just need a first overview of your performance, take a look at Pingdom, GTMetrix or Google tools. They are used broadly by a large number of sites administrators and developers.

If you need more monitoring history, or professional devops tools, take a look at the other ones and check their trial offers.

Use these tools to check your website speed and implement different strategies to keep it improving. Better speed will bring more traffic and more traffic will bring more leads.